1.1Oriental Wealth Markets Limited (referred to as ‘Oriental Wealth Markets Limited’, the ‘Firm’, ‘us’, ‘we’ and ‘our’) provides you with this ‘Risk Disclosure Notice’ (the ‘Notice’) to help you understand the risks that might arise when trading Contracts for Difference (‘CFDs’) and/or Spread Bets. However, you need to bear in mind that the  Notice  does  not  contain  all the  risks  and  aspects  involved  in trading  said instruments. The Client (referred to as the ‘Client’, ‘you’, ‘your’ and ‘yourself’) should carefully read the Notice in conjunction with the ‘Client Agreement’, and the documentation/ information available to you through our Website.

1.2 You need to ensure that any decision to engage in trading CFDs and/or Spread Bets is made on an informed basis and in light of your knowledge and experience as well as to your personal circumstances (including but not limited to your financial position). In addition, you need to ensure that you understand the nature of CFDs and Spread Bets, and the extent of all risks and aspects involved in trading these instruments.

1.3Please note that CFDs and Spread Bets are leveraged financial products and therefore as such, trading these instruments involves a high risk of loss as price movements are influenced by the amount of leverage the client is using. For example, if a client is using 30 times leverage a movement of 0.5% will result in a gain or a loss of 15%. Nonetheless, as a result of the ‘Negative Balance Protection’ (‘NBP’) you may not lose more than your initial investment.

1.4Trading CFDs and/or Spread Bets is not appropriate for all investors. Under no circumstances, you should risk more than you are prepared to lose.

1.5For any capitalised term, which has not been defined in the Notice, please refer to Schedule A (‘Glossary’) of the ‘Client Agreement’.


2.1  When  processing your  ‘Account  Opening  Form’  Oriental Wealth Markets Limited  carries  out  an  assessment  of your

appropriateness to trade CFDs and/or Spread Bets and determines, based on information you provide  us with, if you  have sufficient  knowledge and experience to  understand the  risks involved in trading leveraged products. We will inform you of the results of our assessment, but this does not relieve you of the need to carefully consider whether to trade with us. If we warn you that trading CFDs and/or Spread Bets may not be appropriate for you, then you should refrain from trading CFDs and/or Spread Bets until you attain sufficient knowledge and experience,  for  example  you  may  trade  on  a  demo  account  prior  to  trading  in  a  live environment and you acquainted yourself sufficiently with the relevant risks.


CFDs are agreements to exchange the difference in value of a particular instrument or currency between the time at which the agreement is entered into and the time at which it is closed. CFDs  allow  the  Firm’s  Clients  to  replicate  the  economic  effect  of  trading  in  financial instruments without requiring actual ownership of those assets; a full list of the CFDs on offer by Oriental Wealth Markets Limited is available on our Website.

Spread Bets are a type of contract whereby a Client can speculate on the price movement of a financial instrument by placing a buy or sell order which will pay out a pre-determined amount per point gained. This means that for every point that the price of the financial instrument moves in your favour, you will gain multiples of that pre-determined amount (also known as ‘stake’). Conversely, if the price of the financial instrument moves against you, you will lose multiples of the stake. Like with the case of CFDs, with Spread Betting you can replicate the economic effect of trading in financial instruments without owning the underlying assets.

Profits derived from Spread Betting are free of capital gains tax and stamp duty for UK residents only. Tax laws are subject to change and depend on individual circumstances. You may wish to seek advice from a tax adviser if you are unsure of your circumstances.

CFDs  and  Spread  Bets  are  derivative  products  traded  off-exchange  (or  Over-the-Counter (‘OTC’)); this means Oriental Wealth Markets Limited is always the counterparty to the Client trades and any CFD and/or Spread Bet trades entered into with the Firm, can only be closed with us. Your ability to open and/or close trades is dependent on the availability of our trading platform(s).

You understand that you are not entitled to the physical delivery of the underlying instrument (or reference instrument) of the CFDs and/or Spread Bets you are trading, and you have no rights in the underlying instrument (such as voting rights in case you are trading CFDs and/or Spread Bets on shares).

CFDs and/or Spread  Bets fluctuate in value during the day; the price movements of CFDs and/or  Spread  Bets  are  determined  by  a  number  of factors  including  but  not  limited to availability of market information.


4.1          The prices generated by our trading platform(s) are derived from the prices of the relevant

underlying instruments, which the Firm obtains from third party liquidity/ price providers. The prices of CFDs and/or Spread Bets that you trade with us include a mark-up; this means thatthe  spreads  offered  by  us  comprise  of  (i) the  raw  spreads  received from  liquidity/  price provider(s) and (ii) a mark-up (where applicable).

4.2For trading certain CFDs and/or Spread Bets, the Client may be required to pay a commission and/or other fees; these instances are described in detail in our Website. For all type of CFDs and/or  Spread  Bets  offered  by  the  Firm,  the  commission  (if  applicable)  and  financing/ overnight fees are not incorporated into the Firm’s quoted prices and are instead charged explicitly to the Client Account(s). In the case of financing/ overnight fees, the value of opened positions in some types of financial instruments is increased or reduced by a daily financing fee ‘swap’ throughout the life of the trade. The financing fees are based on prevailing market interest rates. From Mondays to Friday swap is charged once for every business day and on Wednesday swap is charged in triple size in order to account for the weekend; details of daily financing/ overnight fees applied, are available in our Website.

4.3You should not fund your Account using money obtained from any credit facility (including bank loan or otherwise). You should understand that your overall risks will be significantly increased. For instance, if you incur a loss on your trades, you will still have to repay any amount borrowed plus any interest or other costs. Therefore, you shall never finance any trades on such borrowed money, and you should never rely on being able to profit on any trade, in order to repay such amounts.


5.1Trading CFDs and Spread Bets enables you to use leverage to open a trade by depositing a fraction of the total trade value; this means that a relatively small market movement may lead to a proportionately much larger movement in the value of your trade. For margin calculation purposes, the leverage level used will be the lower of: (i) the Account or (ii) symbol traded. This logic applies on all our trading platforms.

5.2  Financial markets may fluctuate rapidly to reflect events that are outside the control of the

Firm and/or your control; as a result, prices will become volatile. One form of price volatility is ‘gapping’, which occurs when there is a sudden shift in prices from one level to another. This can be caused, for example by unexpected economic events or market announcements, within or outside trading hours. Consequently, Oriental Wealth Markets Limited may be unable to execute your instructions at the requested price. In addition, if prices move against you, this will have a direct and real time impact on your trades, which may be automatically stopped-out. It is possible that you all your trades will be stopped-out; not just the ones that are loss making.

5.4You should note that any changes made to your leverage level, on an already traded Account, can immediately affect your open positions and may result in a stop-out.

5.5It is your responsibility to monitor the required margin of your open positions and in order to avoid a stop-out you may have to fund your Account.


You will be impacted by foreign exchange movements, if you are trading in a product that is denominated in a currency other than the currency of your Account. Any currency conversion calculations are provided by the Firm to the Client in the currency in which the Client account is denominated and the currency of the relevant instrument, using the cross spot rate.

Your capacity to trade CFDs and Spread Bets may also be affected as a result of changes in the legal, regulatory, taxation environment and/or other.


7.1   We try to generate prices continuously and provide you with access* to our trading platforms

throughout the trading sessions as indicated on our Website. However, there are instances where  this  is  not  possible;  for  example,  instances  of  poor  telecommunication/  internet connectivity, system errors and outages and/or other factors. The above may cause prices to change between the time an order is placed and the time the order has been received by the Firm. In addition, these technical risks may significantly impact the execution of your orders.

* Access to our trading platforms includes access via mobile applications.


8.1Oriental Wealth Markets Limited may, from time to time and as often as it deems appropriate, issue and/or distribute third party material (the ‘Material’), which contains information including but not limited to the conditions of the financial markets, posted through our Website and other media and/or received  by  you.  It  should  be  noted  that  the  Material  is  considered  to  be  marketing communication  only  and  does  not  contain,  and  should  not  be  construed  as  containing, investment advice and/or an investment recommendation and/or, an offer of or solicitation for any transactions in financial instruments; any decision to enter into a specific transaction shall be made by the Client following an assessment by him/herself of their situation. Oriental Wealth Markets Limited makes no representation and assumes no liability as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, nor any loss arising from any investment based on a recommendation, forecast or other information supplied by any employee of Oriental Wealth Markets Limited, a third party or otherwise. The   Material   is   not   prepared   in   accordance  with   legal   requirements   promoting  the independence of investment research and it is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research. All expressions of opinion included in the Material are subject to change without notice. Any opinions made may be personal to the author and may not reflect the opinions of Oriental Wealth Markets Limited.

8.2Oriental Wealth Markets Limited does not provide investment, financial, legal, tax, regulatory or other advice relating to investments or trading in financial instruments. Any material or information or other features, which may be provided to you through our Website, trading platforms, marketing or training events or otherwise, is generic and shall not be treated as advice appropriate for you or based on a consideration of your personal circumstances. You should seek independent professional advice from a suitably qualified adviser, if necessary, prior to engaging in trading with us.


9.1Past performance, simulation or prediction of any financial instruments does not constitute an

indication of future results. You should note that the value of your investment can decrease (as well as increase) as the market price of the underlying asset may fluctuate downwards (or upwards).


OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)準備了這個隱私政策(“政策”)提供了一個概述和解釋我們如何對待個人用戶的個人信息的網站,,包括但不限於你使用我們的產品,服務或應用程序以任何方式,無論是在線還是離線。

該政策針對的是自然人,他們是OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)當前和/或潛在客戶,或法人實體的授權代表/代理或受益所有人,或OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)當前或潛在客戶的自然人。

OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)將收集各種類型的信息,其中包括您的個人身份信息,這被稱為“個人數據”和/或“數據”。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)承諾保護您的個人資料和尊重您的隱私。

通過繼續使用本網站和OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)提供的或通過其提供的任何其他服務和產品,您確認您已達到合法年齡,明確同意本隱私政策並同意OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)通過手動和/或自動方式處理數據。這包括個人資料的收集、記錄、組織、構造、存儲、改編或修改、檢索、諮詢、使用、通過傳輸、披露、傳播或以其他方式提供的披露、比對或組合、限制、刪除或銷毀。

私隱通知的更改及你有責任通知我們有關更改我們所持有的有關您的個人數據在任何時候都是準確、完整和真實的,這一點非常重要。因此,如果您的個人數據在與任何OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人相關實體的業務關係中發生變化,請及時通知我們。此外,無論上述相關實體位於何處、在何處註冊及/或在何處運作,你均提供你對該等相關實體之間的數據處理/傳送/保存記錄的默示同意。



我們收集關於犯罪定罪和犯罪的信息,政治曝光者。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)可以通過國際數據庫運行客戶/潛在客戶的詳細信息。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)也可能收集和處理個人數據是依法獲得不僅從你在OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人、或其他第三方,如信用參考機構,公共機構,公司/個人,把你介紹給我們,公司流程卡支付如JCC支付系統有限公司。我們亦可能從公開來源收集及處理個人資料,例如公司註冊處處長、土地註冊處、商業登記、報章、媒體及互聯網,這些資料是合法取得併獲准許處理的。

















你的個人資料將保密,OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人只會披露網站使用數據和/或個人數據、第三方為法律允許的情況下,如果OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人在哪里合法義務這樣做,或者這樣的披露成為必要執行OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)的權利特別是執行從合同關係產生的索賠,或必須遵守任何司法、和/或其他訴訟,法院命令,根據任何政府、政府間和/或其他監管機構的法律程序或規定,OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)可以在不事先通知您的情況下執行該披露。

對於您的個人信息/密碼/用戶名/登錄名的非法或未經授權的使用,OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人將不承擔任何責任,因為您的密碼的誤用或錯置,疏忽或惡意的干預和/或其他原因。

你的個人資料可能會共享在OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人和可能還透露(但不限於)業務介紹人,分支機構,或其他第三方服務提供商為了過程產生的義務協議,金融機構、銀行、其他類似組織,我們在公司業務的處理,外部服務提供者和專業顧問,這可能是位於海外,如審計師、律師和會計師,為處理交易或提供您要求的服務或為進行交易報告而需要的任何第三方。


OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人將根據法律要求,監控和記錄您與我們的任何通信,無論是書面的,通過電話或電子郵件。


OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀公司採取了所有適當的安全措施,以確保與您訪問網站或OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀公司提供的服務和產品相關的收集和存儲的個人數據免受任何未經授權的訪問、濫用、丟失或銷毀。

OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人使用物理和電子安全措施,包括但不限於使用防火牆,個人密碼,加密和認證技術。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人的僱員和服務提供商受專業保密的約束,必須遵守所有數據保護條款。

訪問個人數據僅限於特定的員工,承包商和第三方服務提供商需要這個訪問流程以OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人和你之間的協議,所有在“需要知道”的基礎上,能夠執行所有義務的協議。



OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人堅持使用最新的安全技術嚴格的安全標準。


OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人網站使用cookie進行統計,並為了提高用戶的服務質量。 Cookies是當你訪問OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited) Brokers網站時通過網絡瀏覽器放置在你的設備上的小文件。信息被儲存起來,比如使用網站時的特定偏好。需要注意的是,您可以配置您的瀏覽器不保存任何或僅某些cookies在您的設備上。有不同類型的cookie,如ID cookie不會在你關閉瀏覽器時過期,持久性cookie會在你的硬盤上保留一段時間。








OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人會保持你的個人資料/數據只要我們有業務關係和你(作為一個個體或對我們的交易有法人授權代表或有益的所有者),並按照最低的時期個人資料由用戶根據協議執行和法律實體在OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人。

OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人不應被要求刪除根據自動存檔和備份程序在其IT系統中的數據,如果刪除是不可能的,或者在沒有商業上不合理的努力的情況下是不可能的。

對於潛在客戶、個人數據(或法律實體潛在客戶的授權代表/代理/或受益所有人),除非您正式要求從記錄中刪除,否則OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited) Brokers將保留您的個人數據至合法期限。



OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)是一家註冊在瓦努阿圖經紀商,VFSC監管號40299運行網站

本網站的所有知識產權均歸OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人所有,OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人保留其中的所有權利。這些條款是任何協議和其他法律文件的補充。


通過訪問或使用網站提供的服務和產品,網站的用戶同意遵守本合同的條款和條件並因網站的使用,在任何時間,在任何給定的位置,按照實際情況用戶進行開戶。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人保留自行決定暫停、修改、修改和或取消訪問本網站或其任何部分的權利,包括通過本網站提供的產品和服務。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人可隨時更改本網站內的條款和條件、信息和材料,並可在不事先通知用戶的情況下更改,因此,用戶應及時更新本網站的所有信息和或更改。


用戶理解並同意,網站不是一個徵集買也不是出售任何產品和服務,任何(法律)的人,在任何司法管轄區,這樣的產品和服務將被視為非法/禁止,在這種特定的司法管轄區的法律。 。


OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人不保證訪問網站和或任何產品和服務將在任何時候,或在任何管轄區的任何特定時間都是可用的。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人將不會承擔任何間接、附帶、特別的,懲罰性的,或懲罰性的損害賠償的性質,引起的任何使用或無法使用網站或任何產品或服務,OWM( Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人也不會向用戶承擔責任對於任何利潤損失、交易損失,損失可能造成網站的使用或喪失使用或第三方內容,不便或延遲,包括由公司無法控制的原因造成的損失,包括通信線路故障。通過使用該網站,用戶同意賠償並持有OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人、集團的實體公司或第三方提供商(如果有的話),和反對任何和所有索賠無害,損失、債務、成本和費用(包括但不限於律師費用)由網站的使用,或任何違反條款和條件。

內幕交易和/或任何其他形式的市場濫用是嚴格禁止的,任何此類行為將證明立即停止該活動是正當的。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人有權向相關部門報告此類活動,並披露有關此類行為和/或任何可疑和/或濫用網站、服務、產品和/或通過網站提供的任何平台的相關信息。


本網站提供的數據僅供參考及私人使用。在進行投資之前,用戶可以獲得獨立投資、金融、法律和稅務顧問的建議(如果需要的話)。通過網站提供的所有信息不應被閱讀、解釋或​​解釋為OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人或公司集團內的任何實體、其員工、管理人員、董事、附屬公司、代理、服務提供商或許可方提供任何投資建議或招攬。本網站不考慮任何用戶的投資目標、財務狀況或特定要求。任何個人或實體在進行任何交易、投資或協議之前,應仔細考慮其財務狀況。

用戶理解和同意的數據存儲和處理按照適用的法律,和OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀商把這個數據嚴格保密,除非需要披露的監管機構,主管機關,法院命令,合法請求/法律義務讓OWM (Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀公司或集團公司內的實體,這樣的信息披露。


用戶有責任在任何時候對任何帳號或密碼或登錄進行保密。用戶授權OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人和集團公司內的實體按照從授權電子郵件地址收到的任何指示誠信行事。


OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人可能會使用“cookie”,這是一種包含網站用於跟踪網站訪問者的信息的微小文件。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)Brokers通過使用“cookie”來衡量網站的活動情況。 OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)Brokers可能訪問用戶計算機上的cookie,以獲取與引導用戶訪問OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)Brokers網站的網站、橫幅或廣告相關的信息。未經用戶事先同意,經由Cookies傳送的資料不得用於任何直接促銷或市場推廣用途。


用戶受所簽署協議的約束,並同意並接受OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人提供的在線支付方式。資金的存取款按照用戶和OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人簽訂的協議執行。資金的提款只有在實體收到並批准此類請求並按照付款提供者的時限(如果有的話)進行時才會受到影響。

OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀公司與幾家信譽良好的銀行進行交易,客戶的資金存放在獨立賬戶中,確保了資金的持續安全。


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OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)經紀人,包括其僱員、官員、董事、子公司、代理、服務提供者和許可者,不保證準確性、充分性、完整性的信息,網站內的產品或服務,明確放棄任何錯誤責任,中斷,損失,損害,或不准確的信息,通過網站提供的產品或服務。



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OWM(Oriental Wealth Markets Limited)是一家註冊在瓦努阿圖經紀商,VFSC監管號40299。以下風險聲明望客戶知曉:




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